Properties of polymers chemistry

Some of the useful properties of various engineering polymers are high strength or modulus to weight ratios (light weight but comparatively stiff and strong), toughness, resilience, resistance to corrosion, lack of conductivity (heat and electrical), color, transparency, processing, and low cost.

What are 3 properties of polymers?

  • Heat capacity/ Heat conductivity. The extent to which the plastic or polymer acts as an effective insulator against the flow of heat. …
  • Thermal expansion. The extent to which the polymer expands or contracts when heated or cooled. …
  • Crystallinity. …
  • Permeability. …
  • Elastic modulus. …
  • Tensile strength. …
  • Resilience. …
  • Refractive index.

What is polymers and its properties?

Polymers are materials made of long, repeating chains of molecules. The materials have unique properties, depending on the type of molecules being bonded and how they are bonded. Some polymers bend and stretch, like rubber and polyester. Others are hard and tough, like epoxies and glass.

What are the properties and structures of polymers?

Polymers always have at least two phases namely, amorphous and crystalline. It is not its Tg, but rather its crystallinity that determines whether the material is a plastic or rubber. The crystals (hard phases) and rubbery (soft phases) make the PE behave as a plastic with toughness, and not as a rubber.

What are the properties of polymers dependent on?

The physical properties of a polymer such as its strength and flexibility depend on chain length, side groups present, branching, and cross-linking.

What are the 5 properties of polymers?

Physical properties of polymers include molecular weight, molar volume, density, degree of polymerization, crystallinity of material, and so on.

What are 4 properties of polymers?

Some of the useful properties of various engineering polymers are high strength or modulus to weight ratios (light weight but comparatively stiff and strong), toughness, resilience, resistance to corrosion, lack of conductivity (heat and electrical), color, transparency, processing, and low cost.

What are properties of composites?

However, as a class of materials, composites tend to have the following characteristics: high strength; high modulus; low density; excellent resistance to fatigue, creep, creep rupture, corrosion, and wear; and low coefficient of ther- mal expansion (CTE).